
In the world of economic markets and dynamic trends, financial equations see the maximum amount of ups and downs. Keeping a check on transfers and transactions of money is the purview of financial cryptography. In fact in today’s markets, many financial gurus call it to be the most important kind of cryptography there is.

The International Financial Cryptography Association (IFCA) plays a key role in bringing together the best talent pool in this line, from across the world. As a platform that promotes education and exploration in this field, the IFCA also makes space for debates and understanding the diverse aspects better. From focusing on the theory to the practical application to allied areas of data security are also explored. Hosting the annual conference of Financial Cryptography and Data Security, is a much-celebrated event of the IFCA. It draws the best minds from across the world, on one common platform.

Online Meeting Update

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, in-person IFCA meetings have been postponed, and are now being held online.

Because of the increase load on our servers, we've decided to allow developers to build/host their own meetings using an API. Our API was created using Postman and is continuously tested with LoadView to ensure quality and reliability (click here to learn about Postman load testing online). If you want to learn more about how our online meetings work, click here for additional info.

Data Security

The various aspects that are covered by the IFCA at its meetings, events and conference include techniques and studies of Cryptology, digital signatures, digital payments, electronic cash, electronic voting, e-commerce, micro-payments, electronic auctions and trusted computing to name a few.